Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Easter Bunny

A trip to the mall is never cheap with my two girls, but I packed them up for a trip to see the Easter Bunny. Jake wasn't too sure about the Bunny but at least he didn't cry.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Spring visit from MeMe and PaPa

MeMe and PaPa came in town to celebrate MeMe's birthday. We had wonderful spring weather so we all went to the park to enjoy the day.

Even MeMe joined in the bike riding fun!!!

Jake was more interested in playing in the dirt and eating leaves and sticks.

After a hard workout in the park, we came home and PaPa joined the girls for a dip in the hot tub.

Happy Birthday MeMe!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Check out my youtube videos

Here are a few links to some youtube videos I've added today.


Silly hat

Jake was helping mommy empty the dishwasher.

Kaytlin and Jacklyn in Rodeo gear

The girls had rodeo day at school and enjoyed dressing up in their cowgirl gear.


Jake sees the camera and he's all smiles.

Kaytlin modeling her new clothes

Kaytlin and I went shopping and she found a cute outfit to wear to an American Idol slumber party she went to. She has sadly outgrown Gymboree clothes so we went to the Limited too and found some cute stuff. She felt so grown up.