Thursday, May 17, 2007


I just recently persuaded Jacklyn to give her much cherished Lovey, Ty Ty a bath. She never wants to part with Ty Ty long enough for me to put her in the wash. However, the other day, she finally agreed so I jumped at the chance to wash away some of the awful stink that Ty Ty has acquired from all Jacklyn's love and adoration. Once Ty Ty was submerged in the bubbles Jacklyn was very sad and was asking how much longer till she's done momma? She sat by the washer for a long time clutching Jake's "Clean" Ty Ty to comfort her temporarily. I don't know what she is going to do next year when she can't take Ty Ty to Kindergarten. My sister wrote a wonderful piece on her web blog Tea Worthy (
about loveys. Be sure to check out her blog! She is a brilliant writer.

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