Monday, May 14, 2007


The girls received a butterfly habitat from the Easter Bunny this year. We received 10 tiny caterpillars and about one week later they all hung from the top of the container and formed their chrysalis.

Another week later, we went to the lake for the weekend and when we returned we had 4 beautiful butterflies. The girls really wanted to see them come out of the chrysalis so we would sit by the habitat and watch patiently. However, the girls soon got bored so we all went outside to play. Only 5 minutes later, we came in and 2 more had emerged. It was so frustrating. All 10 butterflies eventually came out of their chrysalis and we didn't get to see even one of them make the transformation. It was a really fun project though. The girls and mommy really enjoyed watching the whole process. Jake loved it too. One of his favorite words is "Bugs". We kept the Painted Lady butterflies in the habitat for about a week so the girls could enjoy watching them. We released them this weekend and they all took off flying except one. It's wings hadn't developed correctly and it was having trouble flying. Kaytlin said "That's okay momma, I'll take care of this one. It can live in the habitat and I will take it outside every day to practice flying. It can't help it if it was born different." She was so precious. Later that day after many trips outside to practice flying the butterfly took off way up in the sky and flew away. Kaytlin was so happy and proud of herself.

1 comment:

Teaworthy said...

That is just the sweetest story ever. Great photos, videos and blog updates. I love it!